2023 Staff Spotlight: Diane

Name: Diane

Primary Location: East

Q: What Certifications/Education do you have?  

A: CPACM, CPACP, Completion of The Dog Gurus Knowing Dogs 101 & 201, Pet First Aid Certified, Fear Free Pet Professional

Q: What are your pronouns?  

A: She/Her/Hers 

Q: What is your preferred name? 

A: Diane or Auntie D 

Q: When did you start? 

A: I was hired at The Dog Den on December 23, 2015 

Q: What is your position/title? 

A: East location Co-coordinator, Senior Playgroup Leader, Class Assistant Trainer 

Q: What made you apply for this this job?

A: I adopted my first dog pretty late in life, and after I did, I became obsessed with all things dog! After some extensive research, I learned that The Dog Den is the best at what they do, and I wanted to learn from the best!

Q: What is your favorite part of daycare?

A: This is tough! Snuggle time ranks right up there, but I’d have to say when pups first arrive and also when going home for the day! After getting dropped off, they cannot get back to their pals fast enough. When it’s time to go home, I get to watch the sweetest reunions with their families over and over again.

Q: What is your favorite part of training?

A:  Watching a client/family and their dog learn to communicate and understand each other better, thus building their bond even stronger than it was before.

Q: Favorite thing about your team?

A: How hard working everyone is, how much everyone loves the dogs and our uncanny ability to make each other laugh and have fun!

Q: Favorite thing about the clients?

A: My favorite thing about our clients is how caring and generous they are! That and the fact that they don’t get too creeped out about how much I love their dogs!

Q: Favorite thing about the dogs?

A: My favorite thing about the dogs is how infectious their happiness is! They can always put a smile on my face and a tickle in my heart!

Q: Something unique about you – not related to the dogs

A: I used to be a Registered Nurse and worked in Pediatrics.

Q: Something you’d never guess I’d do/peg me for

A:  I am addicted to true crime stories on TV. My DVR is always 90% full, so I can get my fix anytime.

Q: Which dog breed are you based on this quiz:


A: I am a Labrador: You are a strong, fierce, intelligent person with a strong playful streak. You can be naughty and rambunctious, but your loyalty is until death. You are extremely social and gregarious, and you love to swim and to run with your friends. You love to work hard at your job, and nothing makes you happier than a good snuggle with your boo. *I can also relate to a Labradors appetite! *

Q: Which breed did you grow up with? 

A:  The domesticated long-haired CAT! We never had dogs in our home while I was growing up.

Q: Tell us about the pets that you live with now?

A: I currently have EIGHT pets: four cats, three dogs and one fish! We adopted two cats and the other two were my late Mother’s. Their names are Chubbs, Sygon, Waley and Willow. Our dogs are all adopted/rescued: Stevie, Darla and Sebastian and our fish is named Survivor, because he’s going to outlive us all (also a rescue-from Walmart).

Q: Favorite color

A: My favorite color is blue (any shade associated with the Milwaukee Brewers).

Q: Share a boring fact about yourself

A:  If it’s below 72 degrees (without a breeze), I am cold!

Q: If you were a candle, what scent would you be?

A:  Sweater Weather from B&BW and Midnight Magic from Door County Candle Company.

Q: What weird collections do you have 

A: Brewer bobbleheads 


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