2023 Staff Spotlight: Ang

Name: Ang

Primary Location: Fitchburg

Q: What Certifications/Education do you have?

CPACM, Pet First Aid, CTDI, Knowing Dogs 101/201, CGC/AKC tricks evaluator

Q: What are your pronouns? 


Q: What is your preferred name? 


Q: When did you start?

A: April 2014 

Q: What is your position/title? 

Lead Senior Playgroup Leader, Fitchburg co-coordinator, Class instructor

Q: What made you apply for this this job?

A: I wanted a job I enjoyed going to. At the time, I was still considering vet school and knew I would enjoy a job working with dogs. I very quickly fell in love with the behavior side of things, dove in head first and never looked back! 

Q: What is your favorite part of daycare?

A: Forming bonds with all the dogs. I love when you can see them come out of their shell and their personality shines! I also really love doing holiday pictures! I have so much fun being silly with the dogs 

Q: What is your favorite part of training?

A:  Watching those lightbulb moments happen! I love watching the celebrations that happen when the dogs and their families figure it out together! 

Q: Favorite thing about your team?

A: That I can lean on them and depend on them. But also that we can goof off and just have fun together

Q: Favorite thing about the clients?

A: That they are a part of our family! I love sharing stories back and forth about their dogs and learning all their quirks

Q: Favorite thing about the dogs?

A: That they all have such personalities! I love the silly antics, the sweet snuggles, and the weird quirks

Q: Something unique about you – not related to the dogs

A: I've developed a love of gardening, I'm not very good at it, but it's fun to watch my creations bloom each year!

Q: Something you’d never guess I’d do/peg me for

A: I love puzzle games; sudoku, actual puzzles, crosswords, I love 'em all

Q: Which dog breed are you based on this quiz:


A: Labrador: You are a strong, fierce, intelligent person with a strong playful streak. You can be naughty and rambunctious, but your loyalty is until death. You are extremely social and gregarious and you love to swim and to run with your friends. You love to work hard at your job, and nothing makes you happier than a good snuggle with your boo.

Q: Which breed did you grow up with? 

A:  Yorkies mainly, but we had a cocker spaniel when I was really young and an escape artist beagle at one point

Q: Tell us about the pets that you live with now?

A:  I have an 8yr old lab mix named Grady, he is my right-hand guy. He loves going adventuring with me, be it hiking, camping, kayaking, or just hanging at home in the hammock. He's also the reason I developed such a passion for teaching tricks (they were his ticket to confidence when he was younger and he loved learning so much he knows 200+ things now!) Glitch is my 5yr old cat that is very sure he's a dog. He is the definition of a pesky little brother and loves mischief but he is the most entertaining cat you'll ever meet.

Q: Favorite color

 A: Teal 

Q: Share a random fact

A:  I love the sound of rain

Q: If you could have 1 super power, what would it be?

A:   I think the ability to teleport myself and anything I'm touching. It'd make traveling so much easier!

Q; What weird collections do you have?

A: I've got an unnecessary number of coasters and I still find excuses to buy fun new ones


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